UPI: Libyan Crude Shipments Increasing
“Total crude oil exports from Libya jumped more than 20 percent compared with last week following tanker reservations by…
Bloomberg: Shell Cargoes Helped to Boost Libyan Crude Exports 21% This Week
“Royal Dutch Shell Plc booked two tankers to load crude oil in Libya this week, helping total exports advance…
Lloyd’s List: China Could Help VLCC Overcapacity by Purchasing all 15-Year-Old Vessels
“Chinese oil companies could help the tanker chartering markets by buying up many of the ageing very large crude…
Bunkerworld: Tanker Operators Urged to Get Creative
“Tanker companies can consider vessel layups, scrapping and company mergers as means to lower operational costs on the back…
Platts: Total to Buy Sabine Pass Supply, Equity: Report
“France’s Total will be the second company to sign a contract to buy LNG from Chenier’ Energy’s planned liquefaction…
Lloyd’s List: NYK Group Rumored to be Selling Another VLCC in Secondhand Market
“In its weekly comment piece, US-based brokers Poten & Partners said that although the fourth quarter is sometimes thought…
The Peninusla (Qatar): Mideast Tanker Rates Fall on Slower Business
“Crude oil tanker earnings on the major Middle East route slipped yesterday as cargo fixing momentum faded and the…
Fairplay: Tanker Lives Shortening?
“The anticipated removal of the remaining single-hull tankers is unlikely to have any meaningful impact in reducing [VLCC and…
Platts: Regional Gas Pricing to Continue
“Segmentation of the global gas market into distinct pricing regions shows no signs of altering, as the US becomes…
The Wall Street Journal: BG, Cheniere Forge Gas-Export Pact
“The U.S. moved a step closer to becoming a major exporter of natural gas Wednesday as British energy company…