U.S. Energy Act of 2005 Implications for Tanker Owners
On July 30th, the Senate passed the U.S. Energy Act of 2005 and it is expected to be signed…
Getting Back to (Inventory) Basics?
In the good ol’ days, the purpose of oil inventories was to cover contingencies and uncertainties. Greater amounts of…
The Cost of Bunkers, Do Owners Care?
The cost of bunkers is a major component of an owner’s voyage expense. In paying for the bunkers, the…
The Rise of Oil Empires
To complement last week’s “The Fall of Oil Empires”, we will consider the other side of the picture of…
The Fall of Oil Empires
Oil market commentators have been trying to figure out who is going to increase oil production to avert the…
The Bullwhip Effect
The bullwhip effect is a phenomenon noticed in supply chains where the failure…
Is Tanker Activity Telling Us Anything About Oil Exports?
Crude oil prices are hovering around $60 a barrel and the expectation is that $70 a barrel will be…
Topping Off the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves
The Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) was established in December 1975 as a consequence of…
Fuel Oil Transport – Singles Need Not Apply!
Of all forms of oil, fuel oil is one of the worst pollutants as it has no light ends…