A Farewell Contango?
The storage of crude oil and petroleum products at sea has been an important factor in the tanker market…
The Road to Recovery
At the onset of the financial crisis last year, the fourth quarter of 2009 was targeted as the likely…
Single and Waiting to Mingle
Heading into the fourth quarter, it is becoming apparent that 2009 is not shaping up to be the pivotal…
Winds of Change for Marine Bunker Fuel Regulations
At the moment, the specter of tightening regulation is a fact of life across nearly every niche of the…
Reading Tea Leaves
After last year’s sudden and dramatic wrecking of the world’s economies, the sterling perception…
Going With the Flow
Last week, 500,000 bbls of Colombian Castilla blend crude oil flowed through the Petroterminal de Panama (PTP) pipeline in…
Top Dollar for the Bottom of the Barrel
The cost of bunker fuel has always been a central component of determining a tanker’s earnings, and in recent…
No Country for Oil Men
In March, Henry A. Waxman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and Edward J. Markey of the Energy and…
Amped for Electric
A smiley‐faced electrical socket stood in for the zero on a banner announcing…