
Tanker Opinions

IT Admin

South of the Border Swap

IT Admin
20 Feb 2015: The Potential Impact of a US – Mexican Oil Exchange. As geographical neighbors, the United States and…
IT Admin

More Barrels From Babylon

IT Admin
13 Feb 2015: Iraqi Production and Exports Near Historic Highs. In the context of oil production growth, the US is…
IT Admin

Pipe Dreams

IT Admin
10 Feb 2015: A number of years ago, there was much discussion about new pipeline construction and expansion projects and…
IT Admin

No Blast From The Past

IT Admin
16 Jan 2015: The collapse in oil prices that we are experiencing now is not unprecedented.  As a matter…
IT Admin

Who’s on First?

IT Admin
16 Jan 2015: Our traditional annual review of the top dirty spot charterers shows the usual names at the top…
IT Admin

2014 In The Rear View

IT Admin
The end of the year is often a time of reflection and subsequent planning for the new year ahead….
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