
Tanker Opinions

Erik Broekhuizen

RIN-sanity Returns

Erik Broekhuizen
26 Jan 2018; Last weekend, Philadelphia Energy Solutions (PES), the largest oil refinery on the U.S. East Coast, filed for…
Erik Broekhuizen

Non OPEC Non US: No Problem

Erik Broekhuizen
19 Jan 2018; Over the last couple of years, two topics have dominated the oil (and by extension the tanker)…
Erik Broekhuizen

(Not So) Happy New Year!

Erik Broekhuizen
12 Jan 2018; Shipowners typically look forward to the winter.  As the weather gets colder, the tanker market starts to…
Erik Broekhuizen

Spot The Difference

Erik Broekhuizen
Top Reported Dirty Spot Charterers for 2017 Every year Poten ranks the dirty spot charterers to see who tops the…
Erik Broekhuizen

Fixing Forties

Erik Broekhuizen
22 Dec 2017; On Monday 11 December, the Forties Pipeline System (FPS) in the North Sea was closed for repairs. …
Erik Broekhuizen

Viva Mexico!

Erik Broekhuizen
15 Dec 2017; In December 2013, Mexico made the necessary changes to its constitution to allow a widespread reform of…
Erik Broekhuizen

Fuel For Thought

Erik Broekhuizen
8 Dec 2017; As we are approaching the end of 2017, a year most tanker owners would probably rather forget…
Erik Broekhuizen

No Surprise From Opec

Erik Broekhuizen
1 Dec 2017; To nobody’s surprise, OPEC extended its oil production cuts on November 30.  The original cuts, which were…
Erik Broekhuizen

Default Looming In Venezuela

Erik Broekhuizen
17 Nov 2017; On Monday, November 13, Standard & Poor’s (S&P), one of the world’s leading credit rating agencies, lowered…
Erik Broekhuizen

Indian Crude Oil Imports

Erik Broekhuizen
Can Indian Demand Replace Chinese Growth Slowdown? A number of forecasters see in India a potential engine of global oil…
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