
Industry Opinions

IT Admin

This Time it is Different

IT Admin
9 Oct 2015: The VlCC market is hot again, but for different reasons. Late last week, time charter equivalents (TCE’s),…
Erik Broekhuizen

More From Mesopotamia

Erik Broekhuizen
25 Sep 2015: Iraqi crude oil production. After OPEC decided in November 2014 to maintain market share rather than protect…
Erik Broekhuizen

Is the Dragon Cooling?

Erik Broekhuizen
18 Sep 2015: What is happening with Chinese oil demand?  These days, the negative news coming out on China…
IT Admin

Plugging Nigeria’s Black Hole

IT Admin
4 Sep 2015: New Nigerian Government overhauls oil industry. When Nigeria gained independence from Great Britain in 1960, the country was…
Erik Broekhuizen

Market Turm(Oil)

Erik Broekhuizen
28 Aug 2015: Impact of the volatility in the equity markets on tankers.  Over the last two weeks, equity…
Erik Broekhuizen

To Beach or Not to Beach

Erik Broekhuizen
21 Aug 2015: The uncertain future of vessel recycling.  Benjamin Franklin once said “in this world nothing can be…
Erik Broekhuizen

Building for the Future

Erik Broekhuizen
31 Jul 2015: Should tanker owners take advantage of low yard prices?  The tanker market has been doing very…
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