
Industry Opinions

Abdullah Alazzaz

LNG Storage

Abdullah Alazzaz
20 June 2017 : Traditionally, LNG storage is used to smooth temporary supply-demand imbalances and protect end users from short-term…
Erik Broekhuizen

Calgary Stampede On Hold

Erik Broekhuizen
16 Jun 2017: The Canadian oil industry has been hit hard by the combination of rising shale oil production in…
Erik Broekhuizen

A Line In The Sand

Erik Broekhuizen
9 Jun 2017:  For a tanker analyst, whenever you make a prediction or forecast regarding the direction of the…
Erik Broekhuizen

U.S. Driving Season(ality)

Erik Broekhuizen
2 Jun 2017:  This week’s Memorial Day unofficially kicked off the annual U.S. summer driving season which typically ends…
Abdullah Alazzaz

LNG Shipping as a Commodity

Abdullah Alazzaz
30 May 2017: Last week’s opinion (22-May-17: “Assessing Residual Value”) discussed different LNG vessel valuation methodologies in a market with…
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