
Industry Opinions

Jessica Lampi

Libya’s Rollercoaster Ride

Jessica Lampi

July 17, 2020

Oil exports have collapsed (again) this year

After several years of relative stability, the oil export situation in…

Jessica Lampi

Mission Impossible?

Jessica Lampi

July 10, 2020

Crude oil pipelines in North America are facing challenges

This week, we have seen a number of setbacks…

Jessica Lampi

Tanker Midterms – 2020

Jessica Lampi

July 2, 2020

Top Reported Dirty Spot Charterers for 1H 2020*

 As we have reached the end of the first half…

Jessica Lampi

Over A Barrel

Jessica Lampi

June 19, 2020

Sanctions against Venezuela are tightening

The situation in Venezuela is going from bad to worse.  A recent article…

Jessica Lampi

Baltic rate plummets

Jessica Lampi

LPG in World Markets

June 2020

The Baltic rate started the year on a great note and the weekly average…

Jessica Lampi

Back To The Future?

Jessica Lampi

June 5, 2020

How quickly will oil demand recover to where it was?

Over the last 3 months the oil market…

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