
Industry Opinions

Jessica Lampi

Not So Fast!

Jessica Lampi
March 5, 2021 OPEC+ decision delays tanker market recovery Like most analysts, we thought that the OPEC+ oil producers group would…
Jessica Lampi

Ready for Takeoff?

Jessica Lampi

February 26, 2021

Is the tanker market primed for a turnaround in rates?

Jessica Lampi

Texas in Turmoil

Jessica Lampi
February 19, 2021 What are the implications of the ice storm for U.S. energy? Extreme winter weather in Texas has disrupted…
Jessica Lampi

Going The Extra (Ton) Mile?

Jessica Lampi

February 5, 2021

Covid-19 caused dramatic changes in crude oil trade

For many years, Poten compiled and published a ranking of…

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