
Industry Opinions

IT Admin

Pricing a Missed Position

IT Admin
Trans-Atlantic time charter equivalent (TCE) rates for clean MR vessels for most of this year were noticeably weaker than…
IT Admin

A Broken Record

IT Admin
On Tuesday April 1st, also known as April Fool’s Day, the United States House of Representatives’ Select Committee on…
IT Admin

Dieselizing the USA

IT Admin
As US motorists continue to cope with their gasoline addiction, some are being lured to a different designer fuel…
IT Admin

Bill Me Later

IT Admin
The past couple of weeks have been quite tumultuous in the United States financial markets. The wild ride was…
IT Admin

Supremely Safe Sailing

IT Admin
The Alaskan crude oil spill in 1989 that spawned the era of double-hulled tankers has also embroiled ExxonMobil in…
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