Asphalt Weekly Monitor

  • East Coast asphalt retail prices narrow in some areas, while some Florida market prices slip.
  • East Coast wholesale FOB asphalt prices narrow – flux wholesale CIF prices increase.
  • Many East Coast flux retail prices narrow or increase slightly.
  • Midwest retail prices are steady in most areas, but some selling ranges are adjusted.
  • Midwest wholesale paving grade prices are steady—some higher flux prices noted for May.
  • Gulf Coast asphalt retail prices mostly steady, lower in some areas.
  • Gulf Coast wholesale asphalt prices narrower for the week.
  • Retail selling price assessments move in a few markets this week—others are unchanged.
  • Rocky Mountain wholesale prices are mostly higher for May supply.
  • West Coast retail selling prices ease lower in some locations for paving grade.
  • Western Canada prices are mostly steady–the region’s paving conditions start improving.
  • Eastern Canada retail prices are steadfast in Quebec and Ontario.
  • July NYMEX WTI crude climbs to $96.29 per bbl—up $0.68 from previous week June close.
  • Spot Western Canadian Select (WCS) discount to June WTI rises to over $22/bbl.
  • June Brent-to-WTI crude premium drops to $6.25-6.50 per bbl—July premium under $6..
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