Asphalt Weekly Monitor

  • East Coast retail and wholesale asphalt price ranges unchanged across the region.
  • East Coast flux prices are status quo for the week.
  • Midwest retail selling prices were steady this week, as paving work continues.
  • Midwest wholesale barge and rail prices are mostly in lower part of assessed ranges.
  • Gulf Coast retail asphalt and flux prices remain steady across the region.
  • Gulf Coast wholesale asphalt price range narrows – flux wholesale unchanged.
  • Rocky Mountain wholesale/retail prices are status quo—Colorado has severe flooding.
  • West Coast asphalt prices hold at previous week levels.
  • Western Canada markets are steady.
  • Quebec and Ontario prices hold steady for the week, strong market competition noted.
  • Crude prices decliine–November NYMEX WTI ends at $104.75 a bbl, off $2.74 this week.
  • Western Canadian Select (WCS) crude prices drop again, to $76 a bbl–$28-29 under WTI.
  • North Sea Brent crude ease $2, going to $110 a bbl—about $4 per bbl above WTI.
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