Asphalt Weekly Monitor
7 February 2025
- East Coast asphalt and flux rack prices rose in most areas, with assessments mostly firmer.
- Asphalt barge pricing on the East Coast steady or softer this week with flux barge prices up.
- Midwest wholesale markets had only a few sales reported. Prices were within previous ranges.
- The Midwest rack prices were mostly flat this week. Activity at open racks was very limited.
- Many Gulf Coast rack asphalt and flux prices rose with assessments higher in many areas.
- Gulf Coast asphalt wholesale prices stable, with flux wholesale assessments firmer.
- Some rack price cuts were noted for Arizona, with other Rocky Mountain area rack markets steady.
- Rockies wholesale prices are assessed in a wider band this week for February supply.
- In the West Coast, both Pacific Northwest and California locations had flat prices.
- In western Canada, both retail and wholesale markets were status quo.
- Quebec markets were steady this week. Ontario market price assessments are also unchanged.
- Oil prices were lower this week for all benchmark grades.
- On Monday, US implementation of tariffs on Canada and Mexico was delayed for thirty days calming disrupted oil and products markets.