Asphalt Weekly Monitor

26 June 2024
  • East Coast asphalt rack pricing declines in some locations, with flux rack prices status quo this week.
  • This week’s assessments for asphalt barges declined on the East Coast, with flux barge pricing static.
  • July Midwest wholesale asphalt prices moved to slightly lower and narrower ranges, with flux steady.
  • Midwest rack market prices continued at previously reported levels for this last week of June.
  • Gulf Coast rack asphalt and flux rack price assessments are all static for the week.
  • Gulf Coast asphalt barge pricing declined, with asphalt rail and flux barge prices steady this week.
  • Rocky Mountain regional rack selling prices firmed in one location and were steady elsewhere.
  • Wholesale asphalt prices in the U.S. Rockies firmed for July material.
  • In the West Coast, both Pacific Northwest and California markets were status quo.
  • In western Canada, retail markets were flat, but wholesale price moved up this week.
  • In eastern Canada, this week both Quebec and Ontario markets had flat pricing.
  • Oil prices were lower for all benchmark grades this week versus the previous week.
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