Asphalt Weekly Monitor

20 May 2016
  • East Coast retail asphalt prices go lower in some locations, with flux prices flat.
  • Wholesale East Coast asphalt and flux prices are status quo.
  • Midwest selling ranges decline in some Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Dakotas locations.
  • Midwest wholesale asphalt prices firm slightly, with tighter ranges for May supply.
  • Gulf Coast retail asphalt prices slip in some areas, with flux prices unchagned for the week.
  • Asphalt barge price ranges firm modestly, with flux barge prices steady on the Gulf Coast.
  • Rocky Mountain area markets slip in some selling locations in Arizona, Idaho and Nevada.
  • Wholesale prices hold steady for May product in the Rockies. Supply is good this month.
  • Retail price selling ranges slip lower for some Pacific Northwest and California locations.
  • Asphalt retail and posted prices are lower in most of western Canada.
  • Asphalt selling and posted prices decreased in both Ontario and Quebec this week.
  • Oil prices continue to rise. June WTI ends week at $47.75, up $1.54 this week.
  • July Brent crude closes at $48.81 a bbl, up almost a dollar.
  • July Western Canadian WCS crude climbs several dollars, to over $36 a bbl FOB Alberta.
  • Wild fires continue in Alberta, but are waning with cooler wet weather. It is unclear when tar sands production will return to normal levels.
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