Asphalt Weekly Monitor

  • East Coast retail asphalt prices firm somewhat in several locations.
  • East Coast wholesale asphalt and wholesale flux prices move higher to start August.
  • Some suppliers raised prices in Midwest locations—some assessed ranges are adjusted
  • Midwest wholesale prices climbed higher for August supply—flux was mostly steady.
  • Gulf Coast asphalt prices move slightly higher in August.
  • Saskatchewan projects bid at lower price levels—other western provinces unchanged.
  • Higher wholesale prices reported for August Alberta supply of base grade asphalt.
  • Quebec and Ontario prices slip lower going into the new month — Quebec Construction Holiday limits demand in that Province this week.
  • Crude prices firmed this week as Sept NYMEX WTI rose to $106.94 a bbl— up $2.24/bbl.
  • Spot Western Canadian Select (WCS) crude firms—discount to WTI above $21 a bbl.
  • Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions acquires Wolcott, Kansas terminal (see Industry News).
  • TransCanada to build 1.1 million barrel per day Energy East Pipeline (see Industry News).
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