Asphalt Weekly Monitor

1 December 2023
  • East Coast retail asphalt and flux prices were steady for the week with assessments flat.
  • Wholesale asphalt and flux barge assessments on the East Coast all declined somewhat this week.
  • Midwest wholesale prices headed lower for December material, with many sales reported.
  • Rack prices in the Midwest region held steady for selling price assessments, with activity limited.
  • Gulf Coast asphalt and flux rack price assessments remained unchanged, with assessments flat.
  • Wholesale asphalt and flux barge pricing all moved lower on the Gulf Coast to start December.
  • Rocky Mountain markets had mostly steady rack prices, except for one State, with little rack activity.
  • Wholesale asphalt prices are assessed in a narrower range for December supply in the Rockies.
  • In West Coast, Pacific Northwest markets had price adjustments, but California markets were flat.
  • In western Canada, retail markets were flat, but wholesale markets were in lower price levels.
  • In eastern Canada, both Quebec and Ontario markets had lower price assessments this week.
  • Oil prices were mixed. WTI and Brent crude prices were down, while WCS prices went up.
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