Asphalt Weekly Monitor
14 Feb 2020
- The rack activity on the East Coast is limited. Retail prices were mostly steady this week.
- East Coast asphalt barge prices eased slightly–ranges narrowed. Flux barge prices are flat.
- Midwest asphalt/flux prices were status quo, except for one location.
- Midwest wholesale asphalt prices are assessed in narrower bands for barges and rail supply. Flux prices were mostly steady.
- Gulf Coast retail asphalt prices slip in many areas, with retail flux prices unmoved.
- Barge prices on the Gulf Coast eased slightly for asphalt, but were steady for flux.
- There were few Rocky Mountain retail assessment changes. Racks were mostly quiet.
- Wholesale asphalt prices were steady for February material in the Rockies.
- West Coast retail markets were status quo, with limited rack action.
- Western Canada retail asphalt markets were static, as were those for wholesale asphalt.
- Quebec prices are assessed higher, but eastern Canada markets were mostly quiet.
- Crude oil prices reversed course and headed higher for WTI, WCS and Brent grades.