No Changes At The Top

08 Jan 2016:  Top Reported Dirty Spot Charterers for 2015  When reviewing our latest rankings, nobody will be surprised to see that Unipec remained the largest dirty spot charterer in 2015, a position they are unlikely to lose anytime soon, despite slowing oil demand growth in China.  The most significant movers in the ranking last year were IOC (from 10th in 2014 to 4th 2015, Litasco (from 11th to 8th) and Bahri (from 23rd to 12th).  Some of the large, established supermajors are dropping down the list.  ExxonMobil fell modestly from 4th to 5th, while BP dropped from 5th to 10th in the ranking.  A notable new entrant on number 17 in the top 20 was commodities trader Trafigura.  As a reminder, these rankings are all based on reported spot fixtures. Download here
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